Dedicated Sales Team

Strong Solution Partner of Companies Desiring to Grow their Business by Increasing their Sales: Coorbiz

Whether your business is a new venture or a corporate company with an ingrained organizational structure, it requires you to have a fast, strong and dynamic sales team to be able to meet your products and services with buyers accurately and effectively. Establishing an expert sales team and growing this team quickly when necessary is not always easy in corporate companies as well as in new ventures.

As the Coorbiz, we analyze your sales team needs within the scope of our “Special Sales Team” service and establish and manage your new sales team with the features you are looking for on your behalf. This service we offer is much more than a human resources, recruitment or contract staff service. We make up your sales team from candidates with the right competencies, develop sales competencies with various training programs, and manage them on your behalf by performing performance follow-ups in line with your corporate governance standards.

Advantages of Our Service

Additional Services You Can Benefit From at Coorbiz Team​

Sales and Marketing​

Multiple Channels

Support Services

Online Application

If you need a dedicated sales team to sell your products and services, come to Coorbiz. Let’s set up, train and manage your team for your needs.

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